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Automakers To Begin Implementing New Technology To Save Lives In Rollover Accidents

Automakers To Begin Implementing New Technology To Save Lives In Rollover Accidents

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The New York Times featured an interesting piece this weekend on a new safety standard issued by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), and how automakers are planning to implement it.

The new safety standard was issued in response to several scientific studies indicating that 47 percent of vehicle occupants killed in rollover car accidents were ejected from their vehicles. The new standard requires automakers to install technology on new vehicles that will keep an adult from moving more than four inches past the side window in the event of a crash.

It is believed that most automakers will implement the new rule by installing larger side airbags that cover a much larger portion of the side window and that are tethered to more points in the car.

Consumers will be seeing the new measures in 2013 for the larger automakers. All new cars must have the new technology by 2017.

As an Orlando accident attorney, I think the new safety rules are a good idea. I have seen too many families destroyed by wrongful deaths, brain injuries, and serious spinal injuries following a vehicle ejection. This new technology (along with, of course, wearing seatbelts) will undoubtedly save lives.

If you have any questions regarding a vehicle rollover accident or an occupant ejection, call Winter Park personal injury attorney Kim Cullen at 407-565-7386.

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