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Beware Ignoring Medical Payment Liens at the end of a Florida Personal Injury Case!

Beware Ignoring Medical Payment Liens at the end of a Florida Personal Injury Case!

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Personal injury protection (PIP) insurance is required in Florida and pays 80% of outstanding accident related medical bills up to $10,000. A coverage you can add on to your car insurance is something called medical payments coverage. This type of coverage will pay the other 20% of your accident related medical bills and will even take over and pay 100% of your accident related medical bills until you’ve exhausted your medical payments coverage. How much they pay and for how long will depend on the amount of medical payments coverage you paid for when you added it to your policy. Insurance companies will allow you to have coverage for $2,000, $5,000, or even $10,000.

The one thing everyone must be aware of is the medical payments coverage clause. This clause, written in the fine print, states that any person who uses the medical payments coverage benefit and then receives a settlement from the at-fault driver must pay the insurance company back for the use of their medical payments coverage.

Occasionally we have been able to get them to settle for less or even waive their right to reimbursement due to a hardship or if our client isn’t receiving much money and they’ve been seriously injured.

If you have any questions about a Florida personal injury case or any questions about any medical payment liens, please reach out to us. You can call us at 407-565-7386 or text us at 407-644-4444. We are always happy to offer a no obligation, free consultation to discuss your case with you.

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