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How Florida Personal Injury Cases and School Class Size Are Related

How Florida Personal Injury Cases and School Class Size Are Related

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We talk to people all the time who are either current or former clients of some of the large, television advertising personal injury law firms in the Orlando area.  You might wonder why these people would be calling us if they are already represented by a law firm.

Many times, clients or former clients of the TV law firms call us because they say they feel like their cases are not receiving the kind of individualized attention they deserve, and that their case is just one of thousands of others that the firm is handling.  Many of them have never met or spoken with an actual attorney at their TV law firm.

We believe that all personal injury law firms could benefit from looking at their caseloads through the lens of what we know from the world of education. Experience tells teachers, administrators, and education experts that children generally do better in school (grades, test scores) when their class sizes are smaller.

Smaller class sizes give teachers more time to spend with each student. More time with each student gives teachers the opportunity to understand what each child needs in terms of information, special help, and what teaching style works best for each individual student. Smaller class size also means less need for teachers aids or other less-qualified individuals in the classroom. Smaller class size means more student time face-to-face with the actual certified teacher.

Of course, there is an argument that some children will do just as well (or poorly) in school, no matter the class size or what the teacher does. However, as a parent who wants the best possible educational result for my children, I think I would always prefer a smaller class size, if possible.

Before signing an Authority to Represent with a TV law firm, an injured person who wanted the best possible result in his or her personal injury case might be well-served to ask (1) if he will get to actually work with an attorney, and (2) the size of the attorney’s (and his paralegals’) caseload.

Just like an education, most people will (hopefully) only have to go through one personal injury claim. Therefore, it needs to be handled correctly from the beginning.

If you have any questions regarding how to select the best attorney or law firm for your Florida personal injury case, call Winter Park personal injury attorneys Kim Cullen and Robert Hemphill, or order a FREE copy of Kim’s car accident handbook. Remember, there is never a charge for a consultation or to have all of your questions answered.

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