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No ER After Your Florida Car Accident, No Problem!

No ER After Your Florida Car Accident, No Problem!

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Our personal injury law firm represents a lot of people involved in car accidents, so we get asked a lot of questions from potential clients and clients about all aspects of the process. One question we get asked a lot is whether it matters if our client a went to the emergency room after his or her Florida car accident.

The truth is it doesn’t. Many times, after an accident a client doesn’t immediately realize she is hurt. She might be worried about other things that are more immediately important to her, and she might just be in a state of shock about the accident.  It is not uncommon for adrenaline to be pumping at the scene of crash, so aches and pain might not show up for several hours.

No Ambulance Ride To The Emergency Room?  So What?

Just because you didn’t go to the emergency room right after your accident doesn’t mean you don’t have a personal injury claim. If you were involved in a Florida car accident, no matter when you went to the doctor for your injuries, we would like to assist you.

If you have any questions about your Florida personal injury case or Florida car accident please call Kim Cullen and Robert Hemphill, at 407-565-7386 or text us at 407-644-4444. Consultations are always free, 100% confidential, and without obligation.​

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