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Possibility Vs. Probability Of Surgery Affects Claim Value

Possibility Vs. Probability Of Surgery Affects Claim Value

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The words your doctor puts on your medical records are some of the most important words written for your claim. If your doctor puts that a required surgery is “possible” then a Florida a jury isn’t going to reward you for the possibility of surgery. Your doctor must notate in your medical records or testify that surgery is probable or likely to happen.

Florida law actually states that in order to receive compensation for future damages one must be fairly certain that there even will be future damages. Many clients get upset and think this is unfair, but unfortunately, this is how the Florida personal injury laws are currently worded so we must follow them.

If you have questions about possibility vs. probability or Florida personal injury case please call us at 407-565-7386 or text us at 407-644-4444. We are always happy to offer a no-obligation, free consultation to discuss your case with you. 

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