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Returning To Life After An Orlando Car Accident, A Decision Is Made

Returning To Life After An Orlando Car Accident, A Decision Is Made

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Getting back to a “normal” life after an Orlando car accident is something faced by almost every accident victim we represent.

I thought the story of successful Hollywood television producer Charlie Ebersol — which I saw in this Los Angeles Times story — was worthwhile to share.

Mr. Ebersol was involved in a very serious plane crash back in 2004.  Several people on the plane were killed, but Mr. Ebersol miraculously survived — but with very serious back injuries.

The interesting part of the article for me was Mr. Ebersol’s discussion of a “decision” he made after his accident.  For an extended period of time after the plane crash, he was essentially paralyzed.  He was paralyzed by guilt (for having survived when others had died) and by his own PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder.)  It was so bad that he rarely even made it out of bed.

One day he received a visit from his mother and one of his good friends.  They told him that he had an important decision to make that day — he could decide to live, or he could decide to continue to die a slow death.  Something about what they said, struck a chord.

Mr. Ebersol made a conscious decision – and chose life.  He indicated that from that day forward he has thrown his entire heart and soul into whatever he is doing — whether working or working out to make his body as strong as ever.

It is very tempting for people who have been involved in Orlando car accidents to think that all is lost, or that because of injuries or health challenges there is no hope for a life after the accident. With help from counselors, family, and friends, it has been our experience that once our clients make a conscious decision that they are not going to let their injuries stop them, their injuries rarely do.

It sounds amazingly simple — and it is — but it all comes down to making a decision.  After all, the only thing about any of us that is absolutely and completely within our control is what goes on between our ears – our thoughts.

If you have any questions following an Orlando car accident, please call Winter Park personal injury attorneys Kim Cullen and Robert Hemphill at 407-565-7386.  Consultations are always FREE.

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