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How To Choose A Florida Personal Injury Attorney – Part 1


With literally thousands of personal injury attorney billboards up around the state, and endless lawyer television ads being shown 24 hours per day, choosing the right personal injury attorney for you and your case can be very challenging.

After talking to thousands of people over the last 25 years about personal injury cases, we have some suggestions for consumers who would like some kind of system for choosing the right lawyer.

Family And Trusted Friends Usually Provide Excellent Guidance

If a person finds himself or herself in a position where they think they might need a Florida personal injury attorney, probably the first thing they should do is to survey family and trusted friends and ask if anyone knows a good lawyer to recommend.  Referrals are typically the best way to match attorneys and clients because a referral acts as a mutual screening mechanism.  First, the client gets the benefit of having somebody trustworthy in their life vouch for the effectiveness of the potential attorney.

Second, the lawyer receives a potential client that the referral source thought had enough of a legal problem that might be a good fit for the attorney.

Referrals Tell A Lot More Than TV Ads

Referrals also allow the potential client to receive a more holistic view of the attorney, rather than just seeing his ads on television or in the newspaper.  The referral source can tell the potential client whether the lawyer is easy to work with, whether the attorney returns phone call, whether the attorney’s staff is competent, and other information that will actually be useful to someone looking for an attorney.  Hearing a lawyer on television say, “We will fight for you”, doesn’t really tell a potential client much.

For more information, don’t miss Parts 2 and 3 in this three-part series.  Part 2 can be seen by clicking here, and Part 3 by clicking here.

If you have additional questions regarding how to select a personal injury attorney, you can always call Attorneys Kim Cullen and Robert Hemphill at 407-565-7386.  Consultations are always free.