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What Can I Do If A Daycare Worker Drops and Injures My Baby

What Can I Do If A Daycare Worker Drops and Injures My Baby

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Every day, hardworking people across Florida trust daycare providers to provide a loving and safe environment for their children.  However, sometimes day care workers are faced with the task of caring for too many children, or are being asked to do too much.

What happens though when a child is injured or dropped by a daycare worker?  If your child is injured at a daycare facility, is the daycare responsible or liable for the injuries and/or medical bills you and your child incur? The answer to that question is “possibly.”  The personal injury and premises liability laws of Florida control when and to what extent the daycare may be held liable.

If your child’s injury was caused by inadequate supervision or an improper or careless act by a daycare employee, the daycare facility will likely be liable for the negligence of the employees’ actions during the course and scope of their employment. If your child is injured, you should consider taking the following steps to safeguard your child and any potential claim you might have based upon our experience handling Florida child injury cases:

  • 1. Report the injury to the daycare as soon as you learn about it;
  • 2. Complete a written report (and aske for a copy of it);
  • 3. Contact the Department of Children and Families and let them know about the incident and injuries
  • 4. Bring your child to the doctor to have his or her injuries evaluated; and
  • 5. Consult with an experienced Florida child injury lawyer.

If the insurance carrier for the daycare facility asks you to provide a sworn statement, or makes an offer to settle your claim with you directly, you may want to consult with an attorney to ensure that you do not waive any of your child’s rights or remedies.  If you have unanswered questions, contact Orlando area accident attorney Kim Michael Cullen at (407) 565-7386.

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