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What is a Request for Production in a Florida Personal Injury Case?

What is a Request for Production in a Florida Personal Injury Case?

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When two parties can’t come to an agreement on a settlement a lawsuit is filed. Once that lawsuit is filed the discovery process begins. During the discovery process both parties can file a request for production.

A request for production would be filed with the court and served to anybody involved in the lawsuit. A request for production allows all parties of the lawsuit to request certain information from the opposing party. This information can include things such as medical records, medical bills, tax information, pay stubs, damaged vehicle estimates, photographs of vehicles or injuries, and even x-rays or MRI films. There may be other things that are requested depending on the type of case and the circumstances of the case.

Sometimes opposing parties will even ask for things such as social media information or records and this has often upset some of our clients. Unfortunately the scope of discovery or the scope of requests for production is very broad so we have to turn over the social media information.

If you have any more questions about a request for production or your personal injury case, please reach out to us. You can call us at 407-565-7386 or text us at 407-644-4444. We are always happy to offer a no obligation, free consultation to discuss your case with you.

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