You May Be Down, But You're Never Out With Us
In Your Corner

I was involved in an Orlando automobile accident a couple of weeks ago. An adjuster called me a few days after the accident and convinced me that I wasn’t badly hurt, and that I could use some money right away. I accepted a small check and signed a paper.


Florida accident victims need to know that it is incredibly difficult reverse a settlement.  Usually, it requires going to Court and asking a judge to set aside the settlement.  In order to make this happen, a judge must be convinced that the settlement was the result of some kind of trickery, or fraud, or unreasonable pressure, or a serious mistake.

Here is a video I recorded addresing this issue:

If you have any questions about a settlement that you think should be set aside, please call us at  407-565-7386 or text us at 407-644-4444. We are always happy to offer a no-obligation, free consultation to discuss your case with you.