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What Is The Settlement Value Of A Herniated Disc In A Personal Injury Case?

What Is The Settlement Value Of A Herniated Disc In A Personal Injury Case?

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There are several variables that are used to determine the worth of a case. For example, many of our clients are involved in automobile accidents and suffer from a herniated disc. So using a herniated disc injury as an example, I will tell you what variables would be taken into consideration in a case like this to determine the worth of the case.

One main factor is the facts and circumstances of the case and the accident itself. Questions like who is fault or was each party given a percentage of fault will become a huge factor determining case value.

The second variable will be whether the plaintiff ever suffered a disc injury prior to their accident. The existence of preexisting conditions will definitely be taken into consideration. Someone who has never had a preexisting injury will most likely get a higher settlement then someone who has a preexisting injury.

The third factor is the type of treatment needed to treat the injury. Someone who has massage therapy will not receive as much of a settlement as someone who has to have surgery to fix their injury.

The fourth factor will be the insurance coverage available from the at-fault party or uninsured motorist benefits. Unfortunately the value of any personal injury case often depends on the amount of insurance coverage available. Even if a case is worth hundreds of thousands or a million dollars, it won’t make a difference if the only insurance available to them is $10,000. If the at-fault party doesn’t have the proper insurance coverage and no other way to pay then there isn’t much that can be done.

If you have any questions about your personal injury case, please feel free to reach out to us. You can call us at 407-565-7386 or text us at 407-644-4444. We are always happy to offer a no obligation, free consultation to discuss your case with you.

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