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What NOT To Do If Your Organization Is Facing Child Sex Abuse Allegations

What NOT To Do If Your Organization Is Facing Child Sex Abuse Allegations

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Orlando child sex abuse attorney Kim Cullen discusses the things any organization should NOT do when faced with allegations of child sexual abuse.

Kim discusses a recent Central Florida case where an elementary school principal was faced with evidence that an after-school volunteer was inappropriately touching children. Instead of taking immediate action and removing the adult from all of the children within her control, the principal apparently issued him nothing more than warnings. The after-school volunteer has now been charged with over 100 charges of molestation and child pornography. A local school board now faces potential claims of negligent supervision since the principal did not take immediate action.

If you have questions regarding a Florida child sexual abuse case call Winter Park personal injury attorneys Kim Cullen and Robert Hemphill at 407-565-7386.

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