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4 Ultra-Critical Things to Know After a Florida Car Accident


So you, a friend, or loved one, has been injured in a Florida car accident…

Right now, you (or they) are probably facing a lot of complications, inconveniences, or worse, that you (or they) did not anticipate—and certainly did not ask for.  Some of those issues might be:

  • Your car is damaged and either needs to be repaired or completely replaced.
  • You have started to incur medical expenses—starting with a huge emergency room bill  (how do those bills get so large in so short a time?)—that you are not sure how you are going to pay.
  • Your injuries are such that cannot go back to your job right now, and you are wondering how you are going to make ends meet, and whether you are going to be able to keep your job.
  • Your injuries hurt so badly right now that, you are not sure if they are ever going to completely heal, and you wonder what the rest of your life is going to look like.
  • You have car insurance, but you really don’t know what all of those different coverages mean, or how they work.
  • You’ve heard some ads on the radio with catchy jingles talking about “lawyer referral services,” but you are not sure if that kind of thing is right for you.

Believe it or not, these are same concerns that thousands of Floridians have every day following car accidents. While each of these issues presents its own set of challenges, none of them are impossible to solve—with the right kind of information or help.

Kim Cullen and Robert Hemphill of Cullen & HemphillMy name is Kim Cullen (I’m the one on the right), and I have been representing clients in Florida car crash cases for the past 26 years.

My law partner, Robert Hemphill, and I have a small, boutique personal injury law firm in Winter Park, Florida. Every day, we go to work helping good people who have had their lives disrupted (or worse) by careless drivers.

Over the past 26 years, we have answered, literally, thousands of questions from people injured in car accidents.

And There Are Four Things We Believe Everyone Involved in a Florida Car Accident Needs to Know

Specifically, we want everyone to:

  1. Make sure some kind of accident or incident report is completed by someone with authority, preferably a law enforcement officer.
  2. Make sure you are seen by a medical doctor (not a chiropractor, massage therapist, or another ancillary care provider) within 14 days of the date of your accident.  Failing to do this may cause you to lose up to $10,000.00 in valuable medical benefits.
  3. Be very careful which medical doctor or medical clinic you see to treat you for your injuries.  Many medical clinics (usually the ones that work with “lawyer referral services” seen on TV and heard on the radio) seem primarily interested in quickly exhausting injury victims’ medical benefits, and may not provide the best medical care or act in the best interests of the injury victims.  Beware of doctors’ offices that work with these referral services.
  4. Know whether you need a lawyer before hiring a lawyer. Many cases don’t need a lawyer, but for those that do, you owe it to yourself to do your homework and select a lawyer based upon how well that lawyer can work with and for you — not how enticing his advertisements might be.

Of course, there is a lot more to know to in order to fully protect yourself after a Florida car accident.

Here’s How to Get More Information About Your Florida Car Accident Today

You can call our office directly at 407-565-7386, and ask for a FREE, no-obligation consultation.  We answer questions of potential clients every day—and are happy to do it.

Or, you can download a FREE copy of my book, Asleep At The Wheel – 13 Mistakes The Insurance Company Desperately Hopes You’ll Make After A Florida Car Accident.

Thank you for your interest in our firm!