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Did You Mistakenly Demand Too Little In Your Personal Injury Case?

Did You Mistakenly Demand Too Little In Your Personal Injury Case?

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A demand is how a plaintiff starts the negotiation process in a personal injury case. A demand package is sent to the defense telling them how much money the plaintiff is willing to accept to settle the case. The demand package will include the plaintiff’s initial settlement amount, along with the facts related to the case, injuries sustained from the accident, the plaintiff’s medical expenses, etc.

Before a demand package is sent to a defendant the plaintiff must make sure the number they start the negotiations with isn’t too low or too high. You can always lower your settlement request but you can’t increase it. You also don’t want to make your initial offer too high or the defense won’t take you seriously and won’t even be willing to negotiate with you.

If you have any questions about demands in a Florida personal injury case, please call us at 407-565-7386 or text us at 407-644-4444. You can even email us at We are always happy to offer a no obligation, free consultation to discuss your case with you.

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