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What To Do If Insurance Company Calls Offering Money

What To Do If Insurance Company Calls Offering Money

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Occasionally people are involved in car accidents that result in minor damage with little to no injuries. When that occurs, there is really no need to hire an attorney. At some point the defendant’s insurance company will most likely contact you offering you a settlement. Before you accept their offer, there are a few things you should consider.

The first thing to remember is if and when you accept their offer they will want you to sign a general release. A general release is a legal binding contract that says you agree to drop any and all claims against them now and won’t pursue any in the future. Once you sign this document there is no turning back; even if you develop injuries in a few weeks or your current injuries get worse. Before signing a general release, you must have a clear understanding of your injuries and potential problems you could have in the future.

Keep in mind there is no need to rush into a settlement. The statute of limitations for a personal injury case is four years. If you are in a position where you are confident that your injuries aren’t going to progress, keep in mind before accepting their offer, that the first offer is always a low ball. It wouldn’t hurt to try and negotiate with them to see how much they are willing to raise their initial offer.

If you have any questions regarding a Florida personal injury case or how to conduct negotiations with an insurance company, reach out to us. We are happy to answer questions. You can contact us by calling our office at (407) 565-7386, you can text us at (407) 644-4444, or you can even instant messages through the Facebook app. We are always happy to offer a no obligation, free consultation to discuss your case with you.

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