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Are You Getting the Runaround From Your Insurance Company? We Will Fight for the Coverage You Have Paid for

Insurance is one of the things we all must have but hope to never use. When you purchase any type of insurance, you are essentially entering a legal contract that requires the insurance company to be there if you are sick or injured or if your property has been damaged. If something happens that is covered by your insurance, it is reasonable for you to expect full compensation without delay. You paid for coverage and you are entitled to full benefits when you have a legitimate covered claim. Unfortunately, insurance companies don’t always act in good faith. Insurance claims cost the insurance companies money, so insurance policies are often full of loopholes and exclusions that are confusing and that can be interpreted in a way that allows the insurance companies to avoid paying full benefits.

If an insurance company has refused to pay your claim, denied you payment, has offered you an inadequate settlement, is delaying payment, or is requesting excessive documentation and paperwork, Orlando attorneys Kim Cullen and Bob Hemphill may be able to help you.

Types of Insurance Disputes We Have Successfully Handled

Kim and Bob have experience with many types of insurance disputes, including the following:

  • Health insurance. Medical insurance is supposed to cover health care. However, loopholes often exclude pre-existing conditions and newer or experimental treatments. Delays and unfair denials can cost you money, and if they keep you from getting the care you need, they may even endanger your health!
  • Homeowner and property insurance. It is not uncommon for insurance companies to deny, delay, or underpay homeowner’s claims. Adjustors may also try to pressure homeowners into quick settlements that do not sufficiently cover the property damage or loss.
  • Auto insurance. By law, you have to carry a minimum amount of personal injury protection coverage in your automobile insurance policy. This is supposed to ensure that your medical bills and lost wages will be paid if you are in a car accident. However, insurance companies sometimes elect not to pay medical bills or lost wages that should be covered under the insurance policy. Working with lawyers like Kim and Bob can ensure that you get the coverage and benefits you are entitled to. They can also help with disputes involving vehicle repair costs, diminished car values, and stolen vehicles.

Along with these types of insurance disputes, Kim and Bob are also experienced in handling disputes with companies offering life insurance, renters’ insurance, disability insurance, and travel insurance.

Cullen & Hemphill Are Here for You

When an accident, illness, wrongful death, or property damage affects your family, you have enough on your mind. You don’t need the added stress of dealing with insurance companies. At Cullen & Hemphill, PLC, we treat you like we would like to be treated. That’s why we keep our caseload small—so that we can do just that. Your case will get our very best effort. Kim, Bob, and their staff will go over every detail of your insurance contract looking for ways to help you. They will do legal research, search for similar cases, and generally do everything they can to see you get full and fair compensation.

If your insurance company is acting in bad faith, call Kim and Bob. They will review your claim and your contract and let you know how they can help. The initial consultation is always free.