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3 Things You Probably Don’t Know About Florida Negligent Security Cases

3 Things You Probably Don’t Know About Florida Negligent Security Cases

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The Orlando Sentinel is reporting that a man in his 20’s was shot and killed this afternoon at the Chapel Trace apartment complex on Goldenrod Road in Orlando.  Eyewitnesses apparently were able to determine that there were two men involved in the shooting, and were able to identify the vehicle they fled in.

As of this writing, there are conflicting reports as to whether the suspects have been apprehended.

Obviously, the first thing that comes to mind anytime I read a story like this is how senseless a crime like this is.  It never ceases to amaze me how little some people value human life, and how callously they extinguish it.

As an Orlando negligent security lawyer, I also recognize that – although, admittedly, we don’t know all of the facts – the Chapel Trace apartment complex could be liable for the wrongful death of this young man.

Most people don’t realize that:

  • Apartment complexes owe a legal duty to residents and visitors to use reasonable care in making sure the complex is safe.
  • Apartment complexes have a duty to know what kind of dangerous activity is, or might, going on in the complex, as well as in the area around the complex.
  • If an apartment complex knows, or should know, that there is a lot of criminal or violent activity going on, the apartment must beef up its security measures.  This may involve hiring more security, having uniform security, installing a security gate, installing surveillance video, or more.

It would be interesting to know what measures Chapel Trace had in place that might have saved his young man’s life.

If you have any questions about a Florida negligent security or wrongful death case, call Winter Park personal injury attorneys Kim Cullen and Robert Hemphill at 407-565-7386.

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