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Billboards Not Best Attorney Selection Tool

Billboards Not Best Attorney Selection Tool

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You can drive just about anywhere in Florida and see a billboard advertisement for a law firm where someone in the picture is holding a check for a large sum of money. Often when people see these billboards they might think I’m going to call that attorney if I ever get injured; however, that is not the best way to select an attorney.

Even though that person may have received what appears to be a large sum of money, that doesn’t mean they got what they deserved for their injuries. Their injuries could have been severe or perhaps they got less than they should have. Without knowing all the facts of the case, it is hard to determine if that settlement check was really a win for that client.

There are much better ways of choosing an attorney to represent you. You can ask friends and family members if they know of anyone. You can even interview a few different attorneys in your area to see which one you think is a good fit for you and would best represent you.

I urge you to look on our website or YouTube channel for a short three video series that I shot earlier this year that describes a lot of the factors you should take into consideration before hiring a Florida personal injury attorney.

If you have any questions about your Florida personal injury case or how to select an attorney please call us at 407-565-7386 or text us at 407-644-4444. We are always happy to offer a no-obligation, free consultation to discuss your case with you.

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