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Florida Remains Deadly for Automobile Versus Pedestrian Crashes – How to Protect Yourself

Florida Remains Deadly for Automobile Versus Pedestrian Crashes – How to Protect Yourself

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Orlando has yet again been ranked as one of the most dangerous cities for pedestrians. Something else that might surprise you, or not, is that the most dangerous areas for pedestrians is not in the tourist area of town. The most dangerous areas for pedestrians in Orlando is Colonial Drive, State Road 436 and John Young Parkway. As a personal injury lawyer for the past 27 years, I wanted to give my best legal advice on how pedestrians can financially protect themselves in case they are ever hit by a car.

The first thing people should do is make sure they have their own car insurance if they own a car so that their injuries would be covered. Everyone should also carry uninsured motorist coverage which will step in if an at fault driver doesn’t have insurance or doesn’t have the right insurance to compensate the injured party. The uninsured motorist insurance would stack on top of the at fault driver’s liability coverage.

If you have any questions about a Florida pedestrian accident or personal injury case, please reach out to us. We love to answer questions. You can call our office at 407-565-7386 or text us at 407-644-4444. You can also email me directly at You can also check out our website and our YouTube channel for more informative videos like this.

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