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Here’s Why Hiding Allegations Of Child Sexual Abuse Is A Horrible Idea

Here’s Why Hiding Allegations Of Child Sexual Abuse Is A Horrible Idea

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Things seem to be getting worse for some administrators at Treadway Elementary School in Lake County, according to a new story in the Orlando Sentinel.  In a blog post last week, I wrote about an elementary school principal who was removed from her school when facts came to light that she delayed removing an accused child molester from the school’s after-school program.

Now it appears that the school’s coordinator for the after-school program has also been reassigned.  According to sworn statements from other school employees, the coordinator was provided with plenty of information suggesting that the accused child abuser should not have been allowed access to children.  School workers properly reported to their supervisors about inappropriate touching, back rubs, hand-holding, and other activity in the after-school program on the part of the accused molester, but nothing was done.

The key here is the obvious lack of adequate supervision of this accused child abuser.  Organizations that cater to children can be held liable for negligent supervision if they know or should know of inappropriate conduct by one of their workers, and don’t do enough to stop it or remove children from danger.  If the media reporting is to be believed, the administrators in charge at Treadway Elementary clearly fell down on the job — and kids seemingly paid the price.

If you have questions regarding a Florida child sexual abuse case, or claims of negligent supervision, call Winter Park personal injury lawyers Kim Cullen and Robert Hemphill at 407-565-7386.

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