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How Long Will My Florida Dog Bite Case Take?

How Long Will My Florida Dog Bite Case Take?

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Clients often ask us how long their personal injury case will take to settle. While it is often difficult to give clients an exact amount of time, we can sometimes give them an estimate based on a few factors.

There are three factors taken into consideration when determining the length of a Florida dog bite case. The first factor is when you contacted us or when we started representing you on your case. If you reach out to us after your injury has healed and we know what the scars will look like then we can probably settle your case relatively quickly. However, if you reach out right after your injury occurred then the length of time your case will take to settle will really depend on the next two factors.

The second factor is determining whether the owner of the dog or the property where you were bit has insurance. The easiest way to get a client compensated is through homeowner’s or renter’s insurance and it takes some time to determine if the at-fault party had either of those policies. There have also been instances where it has taken some time to figure out who owned the dog.

The third factor involves the extent of your injuries and how the injuries heal. Wounds or scarring are a major element in a dog bite case. It can take months to years for wounds to heal before a doctor can tell us what type of scar, if any, you will have. If the scar is significant enough then a surgery might be required. If a surgery is required then that will push a settlement date out even further. With that being said, when someone comes to us right after they have been bit we typically tell them their case will take a year or more to settle.

If you were involved in a Florida dog bite case or have questions about your personal injury claim, please call us at 407-565-7386 or text us at 407-644-4444. You can even email us at We are always happy to offer a no obligation, free consultation to discuss your case with you.

If you have other questions, you can visit our YouTube channel at, where we have hundreds of videos that answer questions similar to this one. Our website,, has blog posts and legal articles on a variety of personal injury issues.

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