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How To Get To Work While Your Vehicle Repairs After Accident

How To Get To Work While Your Vehicle Repairs After Accident

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A common concern for any car accident victim is how they’re going to get to work now that their car is damaged. If you have rental car coverage or rental car reimbursement on your insurance policy then your insurance will pay for you to have a rental car or will at least reimburse you for a rental car. You will be able to continue using the rental car until your vehicle is done being repaired. Keep in mind though, you will be required to rent a car that is similar to your car. You can’t rent an SUV if you drive a small car. Insurance companies will not pay for or reimburse you for the rental car if you do that.

If the other driver was at fault then their insurance company will pay for your rental car; however, it takes time to set that up with the opposing insurance company. You will need to contact that insurance company, explain how the accident happened and allow them to look at your car to determine the amount of damage.

In the meantime, you can use a taxi cab or Uber, but be sure to save all of your receipts. Submit those receipts to the at-fault driver’s insurance company and they should reimburse you for those expenses.

If you have any other questions about your car accident, please give us a call at 407-565-7386 or text us at 407-644-4444. We would be happy to answer any questions you might have. 

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