Contrary to what may be popular belief, dishonesty and lies do not go hand-in-hand with personal injury cases. In fact, in my opinion the most critical mistake any accident victim can make is to be dishonest or to lie about any issue in the case — big or small.
Credibility may be the most valuable element to any personal injury plaintiff’s case. Insurance companies have spent a lot of money and years of effort to convince potential jurors that every person who claims a personal injury due to the negligence of another should be viewed with skepticism at best, and scorn at worst. The moment that an insurance company or a juror determines that a personal injury claimant has lied — about any issue — then every aspect of the claim becomes suspect. Learn more about this issue in my free book, Asleep At The Wheel.
One of my recent cases unfortunately offers an insiders view of what happens when a client tries to hide the truth about his case — even from his lawyers. I recorded a video about the experience — which I hope never to have to deal with again. I have no patience for anyone that would lie to try to get money in a personal injury case, and I don’t want anyone like that around my law practice. My clients do not need to lie or stretch the truth to make fair recoveries in injury claims.
If you have any questions about how to talk to a lawyer, or how you should answer questions posed by insurance adjusters or lawyers, call me at 407-565-7386.