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Red Light Cameras Become Legal Throughout Florida

Red Light Cameras Become Legal Throughout Florida

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Governor Charlie Crist brought some uniformity across the state of Florida when he recently signed into law a measure legalizing red light cameras across the state.

Beginning on July 1, 2010, all cities and counties in Florida are free to install red light cameras and begin issuing citations by mail to those drivers captured by still photograph running red lights.  The citation will feature a fine of $158, of which $75 will go to the local government and $83 will go to the state.  Out of the state’s portion will be carved out $10 for health care, and $3 for the Miami Project to Cure Paralysis.

As I have previously written, the measure is expected to raise $29 million for the state of Florida this year, and as much as $95 million per year by 2014.

Vehicle owners will have to pay the fines unless they can prove that someone else was driving their vehicle, or that they were ordered by a government official to drive through the intersection.

Personally, I am torn about this law.  While I am very much in favor of any measure that will make roadways safer for my family, I also dislike the Big Brother-type mentality that remote cameras placed everywhere seem to convey.  How do you feel?

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