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Should You Return to Work Post Accident?

Should You Return to Work Post Accident?

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Many of our clients as us if they should go back to work and when? We want our clients to get back to work as quickly as they can. It is better for them financially and emotionally. Often times a case will even settle for more money when our clients have gone back to work. Judges and juries like to see that a client is trying to get work and isn’t just staying home from work because they want sympathy or think it’ll help them get more money in their settlement.

While we cannot stress enough how much we think it is important to get back to work as soon as you can, there is one stipulation that we tell all of our clients – you must have your doctor’s permission first.

Your doctor is the only one who can really make this decision. While we want you to get back to work as quickly as you can we don’t want you to cause any further injury to yourself or cause any injuries to your co-workers either. Please make sure you speak to your doctor and they fully understand exactly what your job entails before returning to work.

If you have questions about your Florida personal injury case or how to select an attorney please call us at 407-565-7386 or text us at 407-644-4444.
We are always happy to offer a no-obligation, free consultation to discuss your case with you.

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