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Survey: 70 Million Drivers Ignoring Potential Car Insurance Savings

Survey: 70 Million Drivers Ignoring Potential Car Insurance Savings

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The Insurance Journal website had an interesting piece I thought we should share. As an Orlando accident attorney, I talk to people almost every workday about automobile insurance.  Almost universally, the people I talk to who have been injured in Florida car accidents feel like they pay too much for car insurance.  Most of these people probably do not realize that they could easily be saving an average of $150 per year on car insurance according to a recent survey.

Harris Interactive surveyed 1,003 drivers across the nation to see if they might be missing out on savings on automobile insurance by participating in usage-based or mileage-based insurance programs.  These are programs that reduce insurance rates for those drivers who drive less frequently or fewer miles, during safer times of the day or have a history of safe driving.

New technology is emerging that allows insurance companies to track driving data for their customers, and adjust their rates accordingly.  According to an industry insider, at least 60% of automobile insurance companies offer this kind of program in at least one state.

Data from Harris Interactive indicates that up to 39% of drivers, or more than 70 million people, might be eligible for these discounts.

We gladly answer questions about Florida automobile insurance – for no charge.  Should you have any questions about Florida car insurance, call Winter Park personal injury attorney Kim Cullen at 407-565-7386.

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