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Tweeting While Driving Takes Life Of Celebrity Plastic Surgeon

Tweeting While Driving Takes Life Of Celebrity Plastic Surgeon

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Tragic news came out of Malibu, California yesterday when it was reported that prominent celebrity plastic surgeon, Frank Ryan, M.D., was involved in a car accident that the California Highway Patrol is attributing to his losing control of his vehicle while tweeting on his mobile phone.  Apparently, Dr. Ryan was tweeting near his cliff-side home, when he became distracted by typing on his mobile phone, and drove his car over the cliff.

Texting while driving has been a big problem in Florida for awhile now.  Studies show that drivers distracted by texting are as likely as drunk drivers to become involved in accidents.

Earlier this year, the Florida Legislature failed to pass legislation making texting while driving illegal.  Tell me what you think about texting while driving.

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