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Uninsured Motorist Coverage Comes To The Rescue Again

Uninsured Motorist Coverage Comes To The Rescue Again

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This week we were fortunate to be referred a new client from Brevard County.  She had been involved in very serious rear-end accident on State Road 528 (also known as the Bee-Line Expressway) as she made her way from Orlando back over to her home on Florida’s east coast.  The investigating Florida Highway Patrol trooper estimated the negligent driver’s speed to have been 70 mph at the time of impact.

We don’t yet know why this other driver didn’t see our new client’s car stopped in a line of traffic, or why he didn’t slow his vehicle at all before the impact.  However, we feel fairly confident in the accuracy of the trooper’s speed estimate after seeing pictures of our new client’s car from the tow yard.  I don’t think I’ve ever seen the rear end of a car crushed into such a perfect accordion shape.  It was enough to take our breath away.  It is truly a blessing that there was nobody seated in the back seat of her car, or we might be talking about a wrongful death situation.

As an Orlando accident attorney, I was disappointed to see the name of the insurance company listed next to the negligent driver’s information.  It is a small company who we know rarely writes bodily injury liability coverage, and when it does, the amount is usually insufficient to cover a claim with serious injuries like this one (our client may need a spinal surgery on her neck).

Thank goodness that our client carried Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist coverage.  As I have discussed before, in many cases Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist coverage ends up being the only hope that our clients have of making any kind of recovery to satisfy unpaid medical bills, lost wages, and to compensate them for the hardship of being injured, pain and suffering, and inconvenience.  As you can see, it really is invaluable coverage to have.

I wrote a book to help folks figure out what to do after an automobile accident.  I am giving away copies of the book for FREE while supplies last. Request yours today.

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