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Use Caution On Highways, And Use Florida Safety Lanes

Use Caution On Highways, And Use Florida Safety Lanes

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When we have car trouble on Florida highways, it is tempting to pull our cars into the nearest possible area, even if it is the median.  However, the safest area is the right-hand shoulder of the road, in the safety lane, or even further to the right.

I saw a tragic story in the Washington Post that I thought would be worthy of sharing because it touches on this safety lane issue.

The story involved a gentleman named Lenny Robinson, better known in the Washington, D.C./Maryland area as the Route 29 Batman.  Many people are familiar with Lenny Robinson’s story from the Internet.  Mr. Robinson was a successful businessman who dressed up as the Caped Crusader in his free time and drove his black Lamborghini “Bat Mobile” around to children’s’ hospitals to cheer up sick kids.

Apparently last weekend, Mr. Robinson was driving the black Lamborghini home from a car show in West Virginia when he had some car trouble. Instead of pulling his vehicle to the right-hand side of the road off, completely off the roadway, Mr. Robinsion pulled it into the median on the left-hand side of the road.  Apparently, he did not put his vehicle completely off the road,, and his vehicle was ultimately struck by a Toyota Camry, forcing into him and tragically killing him.

This story, while tragic, is also a reminder that even if we pull our vehicles far off of the roadway, we need to stand well away from our vehicle until help arrives.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to Mr. Robinson and his family, as well as to all of the sick kids in the D.C./Maryland area who won’t receive the love associated with his visits.

If you have any questions regarding a Florida highway accident, including a crash in a Florida safety lane, please call Winter Park personal injury attorneys Kim Cullen and Robert Hemphill at 407-565-7386, for a FREE consultation.

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