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What are Interrogatories in a Florida Personal Injury Case?

What are Interrogatories in a Florida Personal Injury Case?

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Interrogatories are written questions that both parties can request each side answer in an effort to gather more information. The questions are pretty standard for every case and can vary from listing all the places you’ve lived for the last ten years, to list all of the doctors you’ve seen since your accident.

Attorneys typically always review their clients answers to the interrogatories before they are sent to opposing counsel. This assures that there is no information in the interrogatories that the representing attorney feels could be damaging to the case.

If you have any more questions about interrogatories or questions about your personal injury case, please reach out to us. You can call us at 407-565-7386 or text us at 407-644-4444. We are always happy to offer a no obligation, free consultation to discuss your case with you.

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