Anyone who’s been involved in a car accident in Florida in the last year or two understands how significant emergency room bills are these days. With most people in Florida carrying automobile insurance and that automobile insurance being limited to $10,000 since 1973, most people come out of car accidents owing additional money after their own insurance company or insurance benefits have been exhausted. They end up owing additional money to hospitals and doctors offices and radiologists for just the first sort of level of medical treatment that people get.
It’s probably time that Florida increased the minimum amount of PIP insurance required under the law from 10,000 to something like 25,000 or some number that would keep up with the inflation of medical prices and medical services over the last several years. The practical effect of having such low PIP limits is that people are almost forced to make claims against other drivers when they probably wouldn’t otherwise do so because they have out-of-pocket expenses that they just have to recover. And so it makes them have to hire people like me and my partner Robert Hemphill to handle automobile accident cases for them because they simply don’t know what else to do. They owe these big bills and they don’t know where to turn.
So, if you’ve been involved in a Florida car accident and you only have $10,000 in PIP benefits, then you may want to talk to us, then we may be able to help you. So, if you have any questions regarding a Florida car accident, call me or my partner Bob and we’d be happy to answer any questions that you have. Consultations are always free and there’s never any obligation. So, you can call us at 407-565-7386.