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Why Insurance Companies Won’t Pay What You Want?

Why Insurance Companies Won’t Pay What You Want?

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We talk to a lot of people that are frustrated because they’ve already talked to the insurance company and they won’t pay them what they think their case is worth. When this happens, you must look at the situation from two different perspectives.

The first perspective would be the injured person. The injured person is feeling the stress and anxiety of the accident and what it has done to them and how it has changed their life so they feel their case is worth X. The problem here is the injured party must come up with a number using the facts of the case and/or what previous cases similar to theirs settled for. The insurance company and the defendant isn’t going to pay a settlement based on a number the injured party thinks is fair. An injured person must be able to explain how they came up with that number.

From a defendant’s perspective, they might not be getting to the number the injured party feels is fair because they may not have that much money available to them or perhaps they aren’t aware of the extent of the injured party’s injuries or damages. This is where the injured party must make sure they are clearly communicating with the defendant what their damages and injuries are and financial ramifications of those damages and injuries.

Insurance companies come up with settlement offers based on the information they are given by the injured party. For example, medical expenses, damages, loss wages, etc., are all taken into consideration when sent to the insurance company for settlement purposes. Additionally, insurance companies will look at previous settlements with similar circumstances to this case and see what those payouts were. Insurance companies are also familiar with how juries were typically side in this type of case and know roughly what would be rewarded. They take all of this information into account when they offer a settlement.

If you have any questions about how insurance companies evaluate cases or how to present information that will help an insurance company evaluate your case and make you a fair offer, call us. We would love to answer questions. You can call our office at 407-565-7386. You can always text us at 407-644-4444. Or you can even message us through the Facebook Messenger app. We are always happy to offer a no obligation, free consultation to discuss your case with you.

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