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Why the Particular Language Used in a Personal Injury Release Really Matters?

Why the Particular Language Used in a Personal Injury Release Really Matters?

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A personal injury release is what a plaintiff signs at the end of a personal injury case saying that they are accepting a settlement from the defendant and will no longer pursue legal action against the defendant for this matter.

In some personal injury cases, where there are multiple defendants, one of the defendant’s might want to settle for their share of responsibility in a plaintiff’s injuries. When the plaintiff accepts their offer they are then asked to sign a release.

There were a few occasions where we had an issue with the remaining defendants claiming the case is over because the plaintiff signed a release. However, we always make sure the wording in the release is clear and states that we are only releasing this specific defendant from any more legal obligations. The other defendants in the case are not mentioned in the release so they can’t say the case is closed. While the language in releases are typically standard, they can be altered so both parties are satisfied with the wording.

If you have any more questions about releases in a personal injury case or questions about your personal injury case, please reach out to us. You can call us at 407-565-7386 or text us at 407-644-4444. We are always happy to offer a no obligation, free consultation to discuss your case with you.

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