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Will Allstate Extend Claims Satisfaction Guarantee To Uninsured Motorist Claims?

Will Allstate Extend Claims Satisfaction Guarantee To Uninsured Motorist Claims?

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I saw an interesting piece on the Insurance Journal website that piqued my curiosity.  The article indicated that Allstate Insurance Company is extending a pilot automobile insurance claims satisfaction program to 31 states across the nation.  There is no word whether Florida is one of those states.

The article states that Allstate will guarantee that any eligible customer who is dissatisfied in any way with the service on a paid auto claim can receive a credit on their premium, as long as they express their dissatisfaction in writing within 180 days of the claim.  An Allstate spokesman interviewed for the article said, “If the customer isn’t happy, then we haven’t done our job.”.  He mentioned that Allstate is committed to delivering a complete, positive experience for customers.

As an Orlando accident attorney who has handled plenty of claims against Allstate, I wonder what Allstate will be hiding in the fine print.  I wonder if this guarantee will apply to Uninsured Motorist claims.  Uninsured Motorist claims are claims that customers make against their own insurance coverage when they are injured by someone who doesn’t carry any liability insurance, or not enough liability insurance to fairly compensate the injured person.

Our injured clients’ experiences with Allstate, and particularly with Uninsured Motorist claims, is that not every customer is ecstatic at the end of a claim.  We have been involved in claims with Allstate where documents have been lost or misplaced, claims have been unnecessarily delayed, and where Allstate forced its own customers to file suit in order to try to accomplish a fair result.  It will be interesting to see how Allstate applies this satisfaction guarantee.
If you have any questions regarding a Florida automobile accident, or automobile insurance claim involving Allstate Insurance, call Winter Park personal injury attorney Kim Cullen at 407-565-7386, or order a FREE copy of Kim’s book, Asleep At The Wheel.

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