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Winter Park Car Accident Lawyers

Helping Car Accident Victims Seek Financial Compensation

The consequences of a serious car crash can be life-changing. Not only will you need to focus on healing from painful injuries, but you might also struggle to pay for the car repairs and medical attention you need after the crash. You might feel it’s unfair to have to pay these bills for a crash you didn’t cause, and we agree. That’s why the legal team at Cullen & Hemphill, PLC is committed to helping injured car accident victims pursue their rightful compensation.

When you contact us for our legal services, you’ll meet with compassionate Orlando car accident lawyers who have spent years handling personal injury cases for clients across Florida. If you’re ready to discuss the compensation you may be entitled to after a Florida car accident, call our Winter Park law firm for a free initial consultation with a skilled Orlando car accident attorney.

What Should You Do After an Orlando Car Accident?

The steps you take immediately after a vehicle accident can make a big difference in the outcome of your car accident case, as certain details can determine whether you’re compensated by the insurance company and how much you get. Your first step should be to assess yourself and any passengers for serious injuries, after which you should call the police to report the auto accident and request an ambulance if necessary.

While you wait for the police to arrive at the accident scene, use your phone to take pictures of your injuries and the damage to the vehicles involved. During this time, you can talk to the other driver to exchange insurance provider contact information. However, do not apologize or admit fault in any way, since the other driver’s insurance company can use such statements against you if you file a claim.

When the police arrive, you should fill out a police report, which is your chance to describe what led to the car accident. If there were any witnesses to the auto accident, you should ask for their contact information in case your car accident attorney needs to talk to them to support your case. Do not call the other driver’s insurance provider until you have spoken with an Orlando car accident lawyer to determine if you’re going to file a claim.

In addition, know that since Florida is a no-fault state, your first step will be to file a claim with your own insurance company since your Personal Injury Protection coverage will pay for certain losses. For example, PIP insurance pays up to a certain amount for lost wages and medical bills. If the total cost of your damages exceeds your PIP insurance coverage, you can bring a claim against the other driver’s insurer, which our Orlando car accident lawyers will assist with when you hire us for your case.

What Are Common Car Accident Injuries?

It’s important to get medical attention for your injuries after a Florida car accident since a seemingly minor injury could quickly worsen. Whether you take an ambulance to the emergency room for immediate medical care or see your doctor a few hours after the auto accident, you should get an exam done and keep your medical paperwork from the appointment. This way, you will have proof that you were injured enough to seek care for an emergency medical condition, which is critical if you plan to file a personal injury claim to get your medical bills covered.

After all, the Florida Motor Vehicle No-Fault Law lets injury victims bring car accident lawsuits against at-fault drivers, but only if their injuries are severe. The injuries that may qualify as such must be permanent, cause the loss of important bodily functions, or result in disfigurement or scarring. Examples of serious injuries that may make you eligible to bring a car accident lawsuit against a negligent driver include:

  • Burns
  • Broken bones
  • Limb amputation
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Back injuries
  • Damage to internal organs
  • Paralysis

In short, if the injuries sustained in your Florida car accident will make life significantly harder and more painful, you deserve to be compensated for more than your Personal Injury Protection coverage allows. In most cases, PIP only covers up to $10,000 in medical expenses, and its coverage is limited to 80 percent of the total medical bills. If you have a serious injury, your medical costs are likely to exceed this limit, particularly if you will need lifelong medical care that includes multiple surgeries, medications, physical therapy, and more.

So, if you’re worried about your ability to afford your medical bills after a Florida car accident, it’s important to talk to an Orlando car accident lawyer who can assist you with seeking additional compensation from the insurance companies involved. Contact our Winter Park law office today to discuss your legal options with a skilled Central Florida car accident attorney.

What Kind of Compensation Can You Get for Your Orlando Car Accident Case?

You should not have to suffer physically, emotionally, and financially from a car accident that you did not cause. Unfortunately, this is exactly what happens to auto accident victims who are unaware that help is available. They might stay home, unable to work or afford the medical care they need to improve their quality of life after a serious car accident in Orlando. But they deserve better, and so do you.

You do not have to struggle to afford your bills alone after a Central Florida car accident has changed your life. Instead, you should contact an experienced Orlando car accident lawyer who will review your car accident case and calculate the fair compensation you’re entitled to. Depending on the severity of the car accident and how much it has affected your life, you can seek compensation for the following economic and non-economic damages:

  • Medical expenses immediately following the vehicle accident, including the ambulance ride, emergency surgery, and hospital stay
  • Ongoing medical expenses, such as physical therapy, medical equipment, medication, and future surgeries
  • Lost wages
  • Decreased earning capacity
  • Property damage
  • Pain and suffering

A skilled Orlando car accident attorney will review your medical records, medical bills, and other evidence of how the automobile accident has affected your life. They can then determine an appropriate amount to request when you seek compensation during your car accident case. While adding up your actual costs from the car accident is part of this calculation, it’s more complicated than that. You likely have future costs to add in, as well as non-economic damages that only an experienced Orlando car accident lawyer can calculate for you.

This is why victims of Orlando car accidents are urged to get legal help before accepting any settlements from insurance companies. If you’re ready to get an estimate of the fair compensation for your car accident case, call our Winter Park, Florida law firm to speak with an Orlando car accident lawyer.

How Can Car Accident Lawyers in Winter Park Assist You?

If you’re interested in initiating a car accident lawsuit against the at-fault party, you should contact an Orlando car accident lawyer who has handled numerous automobile accident cases like yours. The first step your Orlando car accident attorney will take is to review the situation to determine if you have a solid car accident lawsuit to pursue.

During this time, they will look for evidence showing who caused the crash, as Florida law involving car accidents requires you to prove that the other driver was negligent. This might mean they were speeding, ignoring traffic laws, or driving while impaired. If your car accident attorney can gather evidence to prove that the other driver was the negligent party, their insurance company will be expected to compensate you for your medical costs, lost wages, property damage, and other expenses.

Some Orlando car accidents are caused by factors other than drivers, such as defective motor vehicles or improper vehicle maintenance. In such Florida car accident cases, the responsible party could be the manufacturer or repair shop that neglected to do their job and caused one or more devastating car accidents. Either way, a car accident attorney can investigate the cause of the crash so that you can focus on getting the medical attention you need after a car accident in Orlando.

Once your car accident lawyer has the evidence to show that you suffered severe injuries in a car accident caused by someone else, they can initiate a car accident claim against the at-fault party’s insurance company. During your case, they will gather evidence, communicate with the insurance adjuster, and negotiate a fair settlement. If you’re ready to work with a legal team that has helped countless clients get compensated after serious car accidents, call our Central Florida law firm at 407-565-7386 to talk to a Winter Park car accident attorney.