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Business Executive Suffers Brain Injury After a Rear-End Taxi Crash and Recovers $1.4 Million Verdict

Case Results

DISCLAIMER: The results are specific to the facts and legal circumstances of each of the clients’ cases and should not be used to form an expectation that the same results could be obtained for other clients in similar matters without reference to the specific factual and legal circumstances of each client’s case.

Our client was a rear passenger in a taxi cab that was rear-ended by a food delivery truck on Douglas Avenue in Altamonte Springs.  He was shaken up by the accident and immediately complained of a neck injury. He received conservative care for his neck injury, but he had no other complaints right after the accident.  At the time of his crash, our client was a high-level corporate marketing professional who was a superstar in his company and had risen quickly through the ranks.

Over time, he seemed to change.  His friends and coworkers began noticing changes in our client, but nobody immediately related it to his taxi accident.  Our client began experiencing depression, mood changes, irritability, and disorganization.  About three years after the crash, he was finally referred to a neuropsychologist who performed testing on our client that revealed a serious brain injury and began brain injury rehabilitation.

Our Client Suffered a Brain Injury in the Rear-End Crash and it Changed His Life

Our client immediately began brain injury rehabilitation treatment.  However, over time his falling productivity and lack of ability to complete virtually any task caused him to lose his career, his income, and ultimately, his home.

While the food company and its insurance company admitted fault for rear-ending the taxi, they never believed the seriousness of the plaintiff’s injuries, and particularly his brain injury.   The theme of the Defendant’s case was that our client was essentially faking a brain injury, and making the whole thing up.  The Defendant could never explain why a highly-compensated, award-winning, corporate executive would give up literally everything in his life to fake an injury and hope that he could trick a jury into awarding him money.  The case was tried before an Orange County jury, which ultimately rendered a $1.4 million verdict in our client’s favor.

With the money from the verdict, our client was able to purchase a very small condominium that he could manage comfortably, and to set money aside to fund continuing brain injury rehabilitation treatment.

$1.4 M