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53-year Old Motorist Killed When Dump Truck Crosses Center Line And Strikes His Vehicle Head-On

Case Results

DISCLAIMER: The results are specific to the facts and legal circumstances of each of the clients’ cases and should not be used to form an expectation that the same results could be obtained for other clients in similar matters without reference to the specific factual and legal circumstances of each client’s case.

The motor vehicle crash that caused the wrongful death in this case occurred at the intersection of County Road 74 and Highway 31, a rural area of Charlotte County, Florida.  Like many wrongful death cases that we handle, this fatal crash came as a complete and sudden shock to the decedent’s family.

We were contacted by the surviving children of the 53-year old decedent, along with their elderly grandmother.  Both of our clients were college-aged, and still relied upon their deceased father for some financial support, but a lot of emotional support.  Their elderly grandmother relied upon the decedent for essentially all physical services around her home, and to help her run her vacation rental business.

The fact that the family contacted us soon after the crash allowed us to hire a specially trained engineer and accident reconstructionist to visit and investigate the scene of the crash, as well as to thoroughly inspect and laser-measure all of the vehicles involved in the crash.  This was instrumental in helping us prepare our case for our clients.  This is a luxury we do not have in every, because many times we are not contacted until weeks or months after a crash.

After settlement of the case, we were able to help our college-aged clients find a credible wealth management firm to assist them in managing the settlement proceeds each of them received.  We are proud of them for showing this kind of maturity after suffering such a horrible loss.

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