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Winter Park Child Abuse Lawyers

Was Your Child Injured by a Negligent Caregiver or Child Predator? Our Orlando Attorneys Will Fight for Justice on His Behalf

There is nothing more upsetting than the injury or death of a child, especially when it is caused by the negligence of another. Cullen & Hemphill, PLC, offers personal, straightforward legal services for all child injury cases, including child abuse and neglect, sexual abuse, physical abuse, injuries due to inadequate supervision, wrongful death, negligent supervision, and foster care abuse. If your child has been injured, abused, or even killed, you need an attorney who cares. Call the Cullen & Hemphill, PLC, at 407-565-7386 to discuss your case.

You Can’t Always Be There to Protect Your Children

As parents, we want the very best for our children. We work hard to save for college, we read them books to enrich their minds, we drive them to soccer games and music lessons because we want them to have every opportunity to live a happy and successful life. We protect them the best we can because we understand that they are our future.

Unfortunately, we cannot be with our children every minute to watch over them. It is always a difficult choice when we leave a child in the care of another. When we hire a babysitter, drop our child off at daycare, or enroll our children in an after-school program, mentoring program, or activity such as scouting or youth sports, we want to know that our children are safe, well-supervised, being treated appropriately, and receiving quality care.

In Florida, child care facilities and other similar programs must run background checks on all employees. However, many employees start work before the background check is complete, sometimes the background checks are backlogged or ignored, and in some Florida counties, criminals may ask for an exemption. When bad people slip through background checks, children are put at risk.

Child Care Facilities Should Be Safe

We also expect that the premises and facilities of daycare centers, schools, playgrounds, and pools are free from dangers to our children and that children are supervised when using these facilities. We expect that poisonous cleaning supplies are kept locked up, that medications are not left in the children’s reach, that equipment is maintained and meets the latest safety standards, that the environment is lead-free, and that lifeguards and coaches are watching and supervising our children, not reading the newspaper or otherwise distracted.

There is nothing more devastating than the injury or death of a child, especially when it is caused by the negligence of another, and even more so when it is caused by someone you trusted to take care of your child.

We Accept All Child Injury Cases

Cullen & Hemphill, PLC, offers personal, straightforward legal services for all child injury cases. As parents, Kim and Bob understand how difficult these cases are both for the victim and the family. We handle the following types of cases with the utmost sensitivity and concern:

  • Daycare injuries
  • Playground injuries
  • Child sexual abuse
  • Foster care abuse
  • Inadequate background checks
  • Physical abuse
  • Negligent supervision
  • Injury due to inadequate supervision
  • Wrongful death due to inadequate supervision
  • Drowning and injuries related to near-drowning

While we pursue justice for your injured child, we always treat you as we would like to be treated. We will always show you and your child the utmost respect. We will explain exactly what is going on and what your options are. As your lawyers, we will do everything we can to get the best possible outcome for your case.

You need time and space to help your child heal, or to recover from your loss. Allow us to fight on your behalf for the justice he deserves. Fill out the form on this page to connect with us today. We are proud of our track record of helping injured children and will give your case the time and attention it deserves.