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How Long Should An Injury Victim Be Taking Opiate Pain Medications?


I’ve recently read a very interesting article on the website indicating that up to 80% of all the people in America who are prescribed strong painkillers opiates by their doctors are actually being over prescribed. According to the article, most doctors agree that strong pain medication should only be taken for a few weeks after a car accident or any kind of injury yet thousands and thousands of doctors in America are prescribing pain medication to patients long after their original accident or injury and many times, it causes them to become addicted and can even kill them through overdoses and things of that nature.

In our practice, we see a lot of people who have been involved in car accidents and slip and fall accidents and other situations whether they receive physical injuries. And unfortunately, we do see a good number of people who seem to be taking too much pain medication. This is really troubling for us as attorneys, but also as just human beings. Nobody should be taking the kind of pain medication that causes someone to overdose or potentially hurt themselves because they can’t operate a vehicle or a machinery at work or something of that nature. If you believe that you have a problem with pain medication, please get help. It doesn’t do anything in terms of a case, in terms of improving your case or anything like that, please get help and get off of these strong pain medications.

And if you have any questions about help getting off of pain medication or a Florida car accident or injury case in general, please call me or my law partner Robert Hemphill at 407-565-7386, or visit our website at