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Winter Park Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

Why a Negligent Driver May Cause You to Suffer Serious Injuries in a Motorcycle Accident in Florida

Riding a motorcycle can be exhilarating and is a cheaper form of transportation for some riders. However, motorcycles can also be extremely dangerous. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 5,286 people were killed in motorcycle accidents in 2016—the highest number since 2008. If you suffered injuries in a crash while riding your motorcycle, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries from the at-fault auto or truck driver.

Common Types of Motorcycle Accidents and Why They Occur

Since motorcycles are smaller than other vehicles, they can be less visible to motorists if they are not paying sufficient attention to their driving. These negligent drivers cause many types of motorcycle accidents. Some of the common types of accidents include:

  • Head-on collisions. Tragically, head-on collisions are one of the most common type of motorcycle accidents. When a much larger motor vehicle or truck veers over the center lane, the result is often fatal for the motorcyclist who is hit head-on.
  • Left turn lane. Left turn lane accidents occur when the motorcyclist has the right of way and is going through an intersection, is passing a car, or is trying to overtake another vehicle. These dangerous crashes occur when a negligent driver does not see the less visible motorcycle and fails to yield to it.
  • Rear-end collisions. When a motorist is speeding, tailgating, or engaged in other unsafe driving practices, he can cause a rear-end collision with a motorcyclist, who can suffer much more serious injuries than if he were driving a motor vehicle. As in other rear-end collisions, the driver in the rear will most likely be assumed to be at fault in causing the collision.
  • Open-door accidents. Many inattentive drivers and passengers of motor vehicles can cause a dangerous open-door accident if they do not look for a motorcyclist legally driving in the nearby lane before opening a door. The consequence can be catastrophic injuries for the rider who may be thrown into other lanes of traffic.
  • T-bone crashes. Sideswipe accidents commonly occur at intersections when a negligent driver misjudges the distance between the motorcycle and his own vehicle or fails to see a motorcyclist who has the right of way at the intersection.

Drivers caused motorcycle collisions through a variety of negligent driving practices. Some of these include:

  • Distracted driving
  • Driving when intoxicated due to alcohol or drug use
  • Drowsy driving
  • Speeding
  • Aggressive driving
  • Reckless driving
  • Inexperienced and elderly drivers
  • Not obeying traffic laws, such as failing to yield

In addition, some motorcycle accidents are caused by other reasons, such as road conditions and defective motorcycle parts, which could mean that parties other than another motorist are liable for compensating the motorcyclist.

Motorcyclists Can Suffer Life-Altering Injuries in a Florida Motorcycle Accident

Because motorcycle riders only have their clothes and their helmet to protect themselves in an accident with a much larger truck or car, they are much more likely to suffer catastrophic injuries that can limit their day-to-day activities and ability to work. Common injuries caused by motorcycle crashes include:

  • Traumatic brain injuries, skull fractures, and other brain injuries
  • Amputation of body parts
  • Spinal cord injuries—including partial or complete paralysis
  • Fractured and crushed bones
  • Road rash
  • Burns
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Permanent muscle damage
  • Wrongful death

Types of Compensation That You May Be Entitled to in a Motorcycle Accident

If you are injured in a motorcycle accident, you could suffer catastrophic injuries that change your life forever. Fortunately, you may be entitled to compensation for these types of damages from the negligent driver who caused your crash:

  • Medical expenses. You are entitled to compensation for your doctor bills, hospitalization, surgery, prescriptions, physical therapy, and any other expenses for needed medical care for your injuries. If you must travel to receive medical treatment or need assistive aids at your home, these may be included in the medical expenses portion of your claim.
  • Lost wages. Your wage loss claim includes more than just the paychecks you do not receive while you are off work recovering. Lost sick and vacation time, bonuses, commissions, and other perks of your job should be included in the compensation that you receive for your lost wages. If you are permanently disabled due to your injuries, you may also be entitled to your lost earning capacity in the future.
  • Pain and suffering. You can suffer pain and suffering due to your injuries and the major life changes that they cause. You will need the help of an experienced motor vehicle accident attorney to help you value this portion of your claim.
  • Wrongful death. If a loved one died as a result of a motorcycle accident, you may be entitled to compensation for reasonable funeral and burial expenses, medical expenses, loss of financial and emotional support, and more.

Let Us Help You Fight for the Justice That You Deserve

Were you or a loved one injured in a motorcycle accident? Let our experienced motor vehicle accident attorneys take over the burden of investigating your accident and fighting the insurance companies for the compensation that you deserve. We take pride in providing our clients with the personal attention and accessibility that they need when going through the traumatic aftermath of a motorcycle accident. To learn more about our track record of success in these cases and your rights to compensation for your injuries, call our office today to schedule a free case evaluation.