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What You Don’t Know About the 2013 PIP Changes Could Cost You Thousands

The Clever Client’s Guide to Avoiding Disaster Under the 2013 Florida PIP Statute

In the summer of 2012, the automobile insurance industry convinced the Florida legislature and Governor Rick Scott to make substantial changes to the medical insurance that has been mandatory for automobile owners in Florida since 1973. This coverage is called Personal Injury Protection, or more commonly, PIP.

The changes to PIP that were passed in the final hours of the 2012 legislative session are potentially devastating for Florida automobile accident victims. Valuable insurance benefits that consumers have enjoyed for decades have essentially disappeared—and most Floridians don’t even realize it has happened. However, when you request our free book, you will get the answers you need.

You will learn:

  • What benefits automobile accident victims should expect to receive under the 2013 PIP law.
  • Special terminology that every automobile accident victim needs to know in order to protect their PIP benefits.
  • Pitfalls that automobile accident victims need to avoid to save thousands in PIP benefits.
  • Steps automobile accident victims can take to maximize their available PIP benefits.
  • Strategies automobile accident victims can employ in the event that PIP benefits aren’t available to pay their medical bills.

Since these changes will apply to every Florida automobile accident that happens after December 31, 2012, our most clever clients will want to have the basic information at their fingertips.

We are making our Special Report, The Clever Client’s Guide to Avoiding Disaster Under the 2013 Florida PIP Statute available for FREE for a limited time. You can download an electronic version of the book RIGHT NOW, by completing the form on this web page.

I understand that you may be hesitant to provide me with your contact information. I hate junk email as much as anyone else—maybe more. Therefore, you have my solemn promise that I will NEVER share your information with anyone outside of our office.

If you have questions about the Special Report, or anything having to do with a Florida vehicle accident, you can always call us at 407-565-7386.