Our Personal Injury Videos
Browse our video titles to find the information you are looking for after an accident has left you or a loved one injured. Our attorneys present on a variety of topics in a helpful and clear manner to educate our clients and neighbors on these important topics.

Florida’s New Child Safety Seat Law

Why The Particular Language Used In A Personal Injury Release Really Matters?

The Meanest, Nastiest Lawyers in Orlando?

Don’t Lose Hope If Your Potential Florida Personal Injury Case Has Been Turned Down By A Lawyer

Did The Person Who Crashed Into You Claim A Medical Emergency?

Is A Florida Personal Injury Case Over Once A Jury Renders A Verdict?

Shocking Response By Pharmacy To News Of Mis-Filled Prescription

Shocker!! Did You Know Most Florida Traffic Cameras Don’t Record?

What Is An Emergency Medical Condition In A Florida Car Accident Case (And Why Is It Important)?