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Our Personal Injury Videos

Browse our video titles to find the information you are looking for after an accident has left you or a loved one injured. Our attorneys present on a variety of topics in a helpful and clear manner to educate our clients and neighbors on these important topics.

Can I Bring A Florida Personal Injury Claim Against A Company In Bankruptcy?

Can I Bring A Florida Personal Injury Claim Against A Company In Bankruptcy?

18 Hours Awake = Driving Hazard

18 Hours Awake = Driving Hazard

Are Psychiatric Or Psychological Records Discoverable In A Florida Personal Injury Case?

Are Psychiatric Or Psychological Records Discoverable In A Florida Personal Injury Case?

Research: Tired Driving Just LIke Drunk Driving

Research: Tired Driving Just LIke Drunk Driving

How Do I Pursue A Claim If I Was Injured In Florida But Live Somewhere Else?

How Do I Pursue A Claim If I Was Injured In Florida But Live Somewhere Else?

Injured Theme Park Riders Don’t (Can’t) Know the Truth…

Injured Theme Park Riders Don’t (Can’t) Know the Truth…

What Happens To My Personal Injury Claim If I Declare Bankruptcy?

What Happens To My Personal Injury Claim If I Declare Bankruptcy?

You Might Be Held Liable If Your Name Is On The Car Title

You Might Be Held Liable If Your Name Is On The Car Title

Proving Fault In A Florida Wrongful Death Case

Proving Fault In A Florida Wrongful Death Case